segunda-feira, 30 de junho de 2008

Programa de Festas do dia 6 de Julho

Este é o programa das festas para o dia do tão aguardado Txupinazo:

08:20 - Despertar;

08:40 - Abastecimento de álcool para as horas que antecedem o Txupinazo;

08:50 - Almoço bem regado;

09:45 - Chegada à praça do Ayuntamiento.

12:00 - Viva Sanfermin! Gora Sanfermin!

12:00 às 18:00 - Tempo livre para cada um utilizar como bem entender. Vale tudo menos dormir;

18:30 - Corrida com Juanito Moura;

Aqui ficam mais algumas informações acerca do Txupinazo:

The Plaza Consistorial measures 2,502m2. When the Chupinazo takes place, there are some 12,500 people in it (five per square metre), which should give you some idea of how tight things get! But be careful, if you are not there two hours beforehand, then you will have great difficulty getting into the square. Comfortable, light clothes are recommended because it can get very hot in amongst all those people. Wear easy-to-wash sports shoes. In nearly two hours, you can get splashed with almost anything. Do not go with children or elderly people, or if you suffer from dizziness or claustrophobia. Red neckerchiefs. Without doubt, the essential San Fermin garment. These can be bought at almost any clothes or fabric shop. Do not tie it around your neck until the first rocket goes off. The Pamploneses never do that.

Igualámos o Famoso Ernest!!!

O Gerente, Chico Garcia e Duarte Cortes, vão nesta digressão de 2008, igualar o número de presenças consecutivas na maior festa do mundo, do famoso Ernest Hemingway. Olé!

Hemingway and Pamplona

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) came to Pamplona for the first time, travelling from Paris, on the 6th of July 1923, in the full swing of the Fiesta of San Fermin. The atmosphere in the city and, particularly, the gratuitous contest between man, bull and death made such an impression on him that he chose the fiesta as the backdrop to his first successful novel, "The Sun Also Rises", published three years later. Hemingway returned to the Fiesta of San Fermin eight times after that. His last visit was in 1959, five years after winning the Nobel Prize for Literature and two before his suicide in Ketchum (Idaho), on the eve of San Fermin.

The great American writer brought international fame to Pamplona’s fiesta. His contribution was decisive in converting a simple local festivity, practically unheard of abroad, into one of the world"s most famous celebrations and the destination ever since for thousands and thousands of foreign tourists, many seduced by his pen.

Many of the establishments which Hemingway frequented during his visits to the capital of Navarre can still be visited today: Bar Txoko, Hotel La Perla and Café Iruña, all in the Plaza del Castillo, and Hotel Yoldi, the bullfighters’ hotel. Other stop-off points on the “Hemingway route”, such as Hotel Quintana, Café Suizo or Casa Marceliano, have, however, disappeared.

During that time, the novelist attended the Fiesta of San Fermin almost without fail. He came in 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1929 and 1931. Following the parenthesis of the Spanish Civil War, in which he actively participated for the Republican cause, and WWII, he came back twice: 1953 and 1959. If anything can be said of Hemingway’s time in Pamplona, it is that he never came as a distant onlooker; the author lived the fiestas to the full, submerging himself totally in the atmosphere, as befitted his passionate and intensely vital temperament.

This representative of the so-called “lost generation” ran before the bulls, made friends with bullfighters -such as Antonio Ordóñez- and locals -such as Juanito Quintana-, ate, drank and lived with the locals, and experienced in their company the joy, heat and euphoria unique to the Fiesta of San Fermin... But he also saw the tragic side of the celebrations: he was witness to the first recorded death of a runner at the horns of a bull, 22-year-old Esteban Domeño, in 1924. Hemingway recounted this dramatic episode in The Sun Always Rises. Death in the Afternoon (1932) is also set in the bullfighting world.

Pamplona City Council paid tribute to Ernest Hemingway on the 6th of July 1968, unveiling a monument made by Luis Sanguino on the Paseo next to the Bullring bearing his name. His last wife, Mary Welsh, attended the event. The following dedication is recorded on the base of monument: A Ernest Hemingway, Premio Nobel de Literatura, amigo de este pueblo y admirador de sus fiestas, que supo descubrir y propagar (To Ernest Hemingway, Nobel Laureate in Literature, friend of this city and admirer of its fiestas, which he discovered and brought fame to). La Ciudad de Pamplona, San Fermín, 1968 (The City of Pamplona, San Fermin, 1968).

Many other famous figures have followed in Hemingway’s footsteps: among others, the film director Orson Welles, the actress Ava Gardner, Margeaux Hemingway, the writer’s granddaughter and, more recently, the playwright Arthur Miller, the photographer Inge Morat and Antillean Nobel Literature Laureate Derek Walcott.

sexta-feira, 27 de junho de 2008

Txupinazo ou Chupinazo, será que é para todos?

Uma vez que esta vai ser a primeira digressão em que vamos poder assistir ao Chupinazo, ao vivo, gostaria de deixar aqui algumas informações sobre esse tão famoso acontecimento, principalmente para os debutantes N Megre, F Abecasis e E Julião, mas também para o Empis, que é debutante no que diz respeito a este ritual.

The Txupinazo
Beginning of the Fiesta

At 12:00 midday every 6 th July, the Square in front of the Town Hall is witness to the chaos when the Sanfermín Fiesta literally takes off with a bang. This moment is marked by a rocket - the "Txupinazo" - which is set off to announce the start of the Fiesta. All morning, crowds gather in the "Plaza Ayuntamiento". It is often a hot day and there is not an inch of free space in the packed Square. The passion and intensity grows every minute until it reaches a crescendo at midday. At that point the Mayor and members of the Council step out onto the balconies of the Town Hall to greet the crowds. A nominated person shouts the announcement; "Pamploneses, Pamplonesas, Viva San Fermín! Gora San Fermín!" (people of Pamplona, long live San Fermín!) The crowd responds with cries of "Viva!" and "Gora!" and the rocket is launched into the sky.

At this moment the Square erupts as hundreds of bottles of Champagne are uncorked and sprayed liberally over the crammed crowd. The smart, clean clothes of the excited people take their first, but not their last soaking from the jets of spraying Champagne.

All over the city the same collective madness bursts out and a whole new atmosphere reigns in the town. The first bout of drinking has started as thousands of bottles of champagne are guzzled down for the start of an uninterrupted party until the day of the 14th of July arrives. Within a few hours many people will be on a high that will last for the whole week. The Txupinazo begins a high that for many people will last the whole week. In spite of what we might think from the photos, The City Hall square is not so very large and the density of people squeezed in there for the txupinazo opening rocket inevitably creates moments of tension and strain. While hardly anyone needs to be treated for these things, many do need to get treatment for cuts from the broken glass which is strewn on the ground from the many bottles of sparkling wine discarded on the ground. This sensation of over-crowding and congestion does get the adrenalin going even for those foreigners who are not very aware of what is going on and it is an invitation to quench one’s emotions with plenty of cold drinks. Fonte:

At 12 noon’s on the 6th of July the square in front of the Ayuntamento (the Town Hall) everyone waits for that first rocket to be set off to announce the commencement of the beginning of the Fiesta. Previous to the firing of the rocket there are thousands of people packed into the square, waiting for that rocket blast.

Just before the rocket goes off the Mayor comes out onto the balcony at the Ayuntamento to greet the thousands of people gathered in the square below. The excitement has been building in the square below for several hours. A large food fight takes place, the throwing of eggs (you can see the stains on the wall from years past on the front of the building encompassing the square). At the time the Mayor comes out, hundreds if not thousands of bottles of champagne are uncorked and sprayed over the crowd crammed into the square by the people in the square.

After the first rocket is fired the cheering crowd takes their red scarves and tie them around their necks, and a city official shouts "Pamploneses Viva San Fermin, Gora San Fermin" (citizens of Pamplona Long live San Fermin) All over the city the madness has taken hold and thousands of bottles of champagne, and sangria are guzzled down and the nonstop 206 hours of party is under way.

Here are a few tips and facts about the Chupinazo that you should know:

1 - You must wear good sturdy closed toe shoes (NO SANDALS). There is broken glass all over the ground and the last thing you want to do is get a foot full of stitches, especially if you are wanting to run.

2 - This is NOT a place for children or older people. Once you are in the square there is no getting out and the crowd does a lot of pushing and shoving.

3 - Wear clothes that you don't care about because you will come out covered with eggs, mustard, catsup, champagne, water, flour, and anything else someone thinks to bring. (You'll smell very bad by the time you get out).

4 - It gets very hot in there from either the temperatures of the day, but mostly from the body heat of all the people packed into the square.

5 - If you are at all bothered by crowds STAY OUT of this activity. I did this a few years ago and it scared me so badly that the thought of having to go in there starts to give me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

6 - If you wish to see this ceremony, and do not want to get into the crushing crowd, ask me about finding you a balcony to watch from.

7 - If you are wanting to have some ammunition for the food fight gets this prior to entering the square. You will find people selling eggs, flour, condiments etc. around Plaza Castillo.

8 - There is a lot of the crowd pushing and swaying, and there is no way to control this and you will have to go with the crowd, don't panic and just remember that soon everyone will be leaving the square to find more to drink.

9 - Cameras if you must bring one make sure it is in a waterproof bag or one of the disposable waterproof ones. Don't take your $400 camera into this madness, you'll regret it.

10 - You don't wear your red scarf until after the first rocket has sounded.

Aqui ficam algumas imagens que, melhor do que palavras, exprimem o que é o Txupinazo:

E também uns vídeos:

terça-feira, 17 de junho de 2008

Equipa para a Digressão 2008

A digressão deste ano, ao contrário das anteriores, começou a ser delineada com bastante antecedência. Em primeiro lugar, era importante garantir que teríamos dormida em casa da Tia Ana e do Tio Jaime, pois penso que é impossível conseguir um poiso com melhor localização do que este. Por outro lado, depois de já nos termos deslocado a terras de navarra de avião por duas ocasiões, não nos estava a ver a voltar às divertidas, mas muito cansativas viagens de carro. Assim, quanto mais cedo reservássemos os nossos bilhetes de avião, mas baratos estes seriam. Mas, tal como todos os bons portugueses, a maioria dos 12 elementos que já tinham pago parte dos custos do aluguer dos quartos, deixou este pormenor para o fim.

Por isso, como responsável pela organização da digressão, na última semana tive que começar a apertar com a rapaziada para resolverem como iriam fazer a viagem. Foi então que começaram a surgir as primeiras desistências, e apenas consegui confirmar a presença de 6 pessoas, que passaram a 7 face a uma aquisição de última hora. As desculpas foram de diversa ordem e mais que admissíveis, mas para grande pena minha, pois tinha a esperança que esta seria a digressão mais concorrida de sempre. Afinal parece que vai ser a com menor contingente de sempre, mas como se costuma dizer: somos poucos, mas bons e só faz falta quem está!

Presenças garantidas: 7
  • Duarte Cortes (4 presenças);
  • Afonso Nobre (4 presenças);
  • Francisco Garcia (4 presenças);
  • Francisco Empis (1 presença);
  • Francisco Abecassis (Debutante);
  • Nuno Megre (Debutante);
  • Eduardo Julião (Debutante).